Free Offerings
We are interested in helping you understand the power of our new, engagement-marketing device, the Origami Buzzbox® set.
For free copies of these materials, please contact: info at healingboxes dot org
• Introducing the Origami Buzzbox® Set
• Steps for Getting Started with Buzzboxes®
• Origami Buzzbox® Testimonials (from people who have assembled and used them)
• "What Climate Action Day Can Teach Marketers About Engagement"
(an article appearing in GreenBiz by Anna Clark)
We believe that social media provide powerful, new methods for people around the world to connect with one another. However, as powerful as these new communication tools are, nobody will have Thanksgiving dinner on Facebook. Person to person, and face to face interactions build trust and get passionate people organized to work for a cause. BOTH new media (Quick Response bar codes, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) and devices like the Origami Buzzbox® set can bring people together to learn about and work hard to achieve desired common ends.
We look forward to hearing from you.